Nathan and Haley...
Yeah ok they are fictional characters, but this couple hit me differently. Those who watch One Tree Hill would know what I mean.
No one can dare say that they don't wish for what these two have.
Sure they had a bumpy start but then came the love that they fought to keep. The love that never faded away.
But there's one thing that scares me though, does it last?! Does this.. could this really last in reality?
I mean we get married and live the first two years in bliss. But then what? Does is all just fade away?
I would kill to have my very own "Always & Forever" kind of love. And I don't doubt that you all do too.
Although I have to say it does kill me because I can't wait for it to happen.. But all great things take time, especially when it comes to love. And not just any love, true love.
7ayakm ma3ay in my room of punched out walls.. we'll have a party :p
I love you all and I do wish you all the best. And for those who are el7mdelah already happy and have found there A&F, then I'm so happy for yoy oo Allah y5aleekm el ba3ath oo ywafegkm Ya Rab!